Tragic Tar Love Triangle Riko, Romez, and Riner lived in the quaint city of Tar. They were all childhood friends who grew up together, and as they reached their teenage years, their relationship took a romantic turn. Riko was a beautiful girl with sparkling eyes and a charming personality. Romez and Riner were both drawn to her in their own ways. Romez was a gentle soul who had loved Riko since they were kids. Riner, on the other hand, was the more impulsive and adventurous of the trio. He had a wild streak and often challenged Riko and Romez to take risks. As they grew older, their feelings for each other became more intense. Romez would often express his love for Riko, but she was torn between him and Riner. She enjoyed Riner's daring nature and the excitement he brought into her life. Eventually, Riko made a choice and started a relationship with Riner. Romez was heartbroken, but he tried to accept Riko's decision and remained friends with them. Riko and Riner's relation