Movie name : rekha (2023) Malayalam movie Ott - Netflix Movie review -Rekha" - a Minimalist Revenge Drama that showcases the brilliance of Vincy Aloshious "Rekha," directed by an emerging Malayalam filmmaker, is a gripping, minimalist revenge drama that has been receiving rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. The film tells the story of a young woman named Rekha, played by Vincy Aloshious, who is on a quest for revenge after her family is brutally killed in a violent attack. The film opens with a powerful scene that sets the tone for the rest of the movie. We see Rekha sitting alone in a dimly lit room, her face filled with anguish and anger, as she recalls the events that led to her family's tragic end. The camera lingers on her face for a few moments, allowing us to absorb the intensity of her emotions. It's a scene that stays with you long after the movie is over. As the story unfolds, we see Rekha embarking on a dangerous and often violent journey